The neighbours have repeatedly warned me that the tree in our garden is mostly dead and that it will fall down any moment, possibly on their house. My response? To nod my head in an understanding fashion and then forget about it, as typically in the short space of time it takes me to walk back to my house the thought of ringing a lumberjack (they can't be called that) has been replaced with the thought of, say, making myself a cup of tea. The result of this casual indifference to the fate of those around me? There is currently a storm force nine gale raging outside my window and said tree is wobbling precariously back and forth in the direction of the neighbour's house. Not only that but it suddenly seems ten times its normal height and there is a peculiar, Tim Burtonish weirdness about it (remember Sleepy Hollow?). Will I be able to sleep tonight? Not a chance.
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