Another day down the tubes of home refurbishment. At what point did the idea of DIY come into fashion, and why did we fall for it? Whatever happened to the idea of getting someone in who knows what they're doing? I've already got a job - and it's an office job at that. So at what point did I buy the idea that owning a few power tools makes you a carpenter? At school I failed to do even a basic Mortise and Tenon joint with a hammer and chisel. Now I've got a power saw. Spot the difference. Older? Check. Wiser? No. Still crap at woodwork? Yep!
Two good things did happen today however, both of them music related. First, while slapping up the tile glue Bodil put on The Soundtrack of Our Lives album, Behind The Music (see left). I'd forgotten what a superb album this is. It floats somewhere between the Stones, Beatles and general acid-induced psychedelia, flipping easily between strange, lighter-than-air weirdness and straight-up tub-thumping rock'n'roll. If you haven't got it, I strongly recommend you buy it. The second experience was a near epiphany whilst listening to Tom Wait's latest effort Orphans. Just when I was thinking that this would be the album where I'd say - "Right Tom, I'm afraid that's it, our relationship is so over" - up popped the spoken word track Nirvana. A small whimsy about a boy who gets off a bus and then gets on it again. Not much of a story you might say, and it isn´t. But the magic he conjures in those two minutes drew me up short, and, just for a second, I was no longer in the car driving home from the tool store - instead I was right there with the kid on the Greyhound Bus, pulling out of the middle of nowhere in the big hills with the snow falling down and the tyres ploughing through the slush. Beautiful! Tom, we're back on! Apologies for the moment of doubt.
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